28 Forearm & Grip Strength exercises
All these exercises will increase the power of your punches and improve shoulder stability
1. Power worker bar
2. Wrist strengthener
3. Grip Strength bulbs
4. Gyro ball
5. Dumbbell wrist curls
6. Dumbbell wrist hammer curls
7. Dumbbell wrist reverse curls
8. Dumbbell 180 wrist twist
9. Dumbbell fronted rear rotations
10. Dumbbell reared front rotations
11. Dumbbell swing backs
12. Dumbbell hammer curls
13. Landmine swing backs
14. Barbell forward rolls
15. Barbell wrist curls
16. Barbell wrist reverse curls
17. Barbell reverse curls
18. Wristripper
19. Plate pinch grip farmers carry
20. Rope hook kettlebell farmers carry
21. Rope hook pullups
22. Plate pinch grip plate spin
23. Endless rope
24. Gripedo
25. Grip master
26. Grip strength checker
27. Battlerope whips
28. Dope-a-mino rope whips
All equipment for these exercises are available at I Noah Training 6475 Joliet rd suite A1000 Countryside, Il 60525